Today was National Be Your Best Self Day and the girls partnered with the Junior League of Mobile to divide and conquer the city and serve the community. I was lucky enough to go to The Wilmur House for Children and witness what amazing things they do to break the cycle of abuse. We also got to decorate cupcakes with some of the youth living there. I tried my first Gigi’s cupcake and it was bigger than my face!!
After lunch the girls had a long afternoon in rehearsals and then we put on our poodle skirts for a sock hop party with the Girl Scouts! Chick-fil-a sponsored dinner and we danced ALL night long! I could jump around and sing One Direction forever. I’m still a kid at heart and maybe that’s why I fit in so well with the youngsters. I will say though that the highlight of my night was getting to wear the COW COSTUME AND DANCE!! Of course no one knew it was me, but I did. It was the most epic thing I have done in a long time.
I’ve always wanted to be a cow. Don’t give up on your dreams. They can come true.
We ended our party with Coke floats (thanks Coke for sponsoring!) then it was back home to my host family’s house where I played Monopoly with my little brother Chase. Now I’m writing this to you and trying to keep my eyelids open.
Thank you so much for reading and following the adventures of all the Distinguished Young Women. These girls are fireworks & I can’t wait to see which one get’s to take over my job this year.
See ya later! (I promise to post the recipe next;)
Love always,
Nicole Renard #dostuff #DYWofAmerica
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