I can’t believe I’ve been in Italy for a week already! I also just realized that I kind of forgot to tell you I was going to Italy so, SURPRISE! I’m in Italy.
I’m studying Aesthetics and Art in Florence. Am I am art major? No. Am I so stoked anyway? Yes. I realized I’m in artist in so many other ways though, dancing, baking, photography, videos, that I could easily adapt to painting and sculpting.
Being in Italy is so surreal because this is one country I have dreamed about going to since I was a little girl and now I’m walking around the streets seeing some of the most famous artifacts in the world.
Confession session: Before I got here, all I knew about Italy was Spaghetti, cheese and Lizzie McGuire. Okay and gelato. But still. You get my point.
Although I haven’t been here long I’ve already learned so much!! Here’s a cliff note’s version.
- If you want a latte you have to say “cafe latte” because latte is Italian for “milk” so if you ask for a latte you will literally get hot milk
- Hot Chocolate in Italy is like drinking chocolate ganache in a cup. It’s so thick and SO DELICIOUS
- There are hardly any garbage cans around!!
- People aren’t in a rush. Meals are to be enjoyed and they go on forever.
- Community and family are so important!
- There are hardly any chains or franchises. I’ve seen very little advertisements and things are not very commercial. What a breath of fresh air!
- Out of all the worlds most famous artifacts, 50% of them are in Italy and of those in Italy, 50% of them are in Florence! There are amazing things all around me!!!
As much as I’m LOVING learning about all these pieces of historical art, I’m also enjoying learning about the most amazing piece of art we have on this Earth: us. Humans. We are God’s art. He is our Creator and sculpted each and everyone of us unique. We are an artisan brand, not just one of a million of the same kind of creature.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” -Ephesians 2:10
What blows me away is that, we aren’t painted, we aren’t sculpted, we aren’t frozen in a museum. WE ARE ALIVE!!! Our bodies work!! We can think, breath, eat, poop, function, talk, and contribute to the world. I don’t know any artist that has done that.

Ceiling of part of the Santa Croce Church.
I also feel super lucky to be one of the pieces. 🙂 God breathes life into us and although we do nothing to deserve it, He offers us relationship with Him and life with Him for eternity. If that’s not good news, I don’t know what is.

Also, this is good news. 😉
I love helping people discover they are a wonderful work of art because when you get to know your artist, life is so much more meaningful. I’ve been trying to be intentional with the people around me in my class by going into deeper conversation with them. By loving them and listening to their stories I hope they see Christ reflected in me & the love He has for His little pieces of art that pours out into us until our cup is overflowing.
I am bursting at the seams with excitement to know what else is in store for this amazing adventure. Thanks for reading! See ya soon!
Love always,
Nicole xx #DoStuff
Italy looks and sounds amazing! The food must be so yummy!
It is SO incredible!! The food is unreal! Thanks for reading! 🙂