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xo, Nicole
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“I feel like you just make things happen.” I get that comment a lot & I want to address it because something’s been made extremely clear to me recently.
God is the one who makes things happen; not me. All the blessings in my life & the cool “stuff” I get to do is because of His goodness, not mine. I think one thing that has allowed me to have these experiences is my answer to Him.
Picton, New Zealand – 2015
I’ve chosen to say YES & accept what He’s doing in my life. By saying yes, I’m saying no to minimizing my dreams to small & manageable & believing with GREAT faith that God can do something great in me that is BEYOND my capabilities or talents.
Elephant Rocks, New Zealand – 2015
My yes is what has allowed me to experience and do things I never even dreamed of when I was a young, doubtful girl, limited by her narrow thinking and small range of capabilities. And it’s this yes that’s going to continue to allow me to do the impossible in the future.
Emceeing the Ghirardelli Chocolate Festival – 2013
When I say yes, I recognize I’m stepping out of my circle of comfort & into something that I might not be qualified for. But when I say yes, He qualifies me, does the work & glorifies Himself.
Horseshoe Bend – Page, Arizona – 2017
I don’t #DoStuff because I think that’s the way to make my dreams happen. I do stuff because I’m on fire to be living for Jesus, all while knowing He’s the one that makes my dreams happen. Every blessing, every gift, every adventure, every opportunity I’ve been given that has pointed me in the direction of my purpose has been His doing, not mine.
Arthur’s Pass, New Zealand – 2015
Every time I get caught up in the idea that making my dreams happen is all up to me, I have to sit at the feet of Jesus & give it all up to Him.
Great Barrier Reef – Gold Coast Australia – 2015
God doesn’t need our talents, He doesn’t need our skills & He doesn’t need our accomplishments to be used by Him. He needs our yes. And when we lay our agendas down & say yes to His plan, then He will do great things. Every. Single. Time.
I hope this message encouraged you to keep doing amazing things, but also reminded you that your worth or value doesn’t come from that. You are loved just as much on a day that you climb a mountain as you are on a day when you don’t leave your bed.
Disneyland, California USA
Thank you so much for reading today!! If this message spoke to you, leave me a comment and some colorful emojis on my Instagram post from today because I’d love to hear your thoughts. Don’t forget to enter your email in on the homepage for more encouragement every week.
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