Hey scouts! Wow! It’s been a long time since I’ve written you a story, but that’s because between now and the time I posted last I’ve been to Seattle, Dallas, Ohio and Daytona Beach! Wonderful things happened in each place, but now I am in Orlando and had quite the adventure yesterday. I was able to assist Jenn Cady at the Tony Bowls Photo Shoot for all of the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen contestants and boy was it a dream come true. I steamed dresses, posed the girls and even got to “fly” their dresses. (pictured below)
As a photographer, I have looked up to Jenn for so many years and I can’t believe I got to be her assistant for her longest, hardest shoot of the year. She is such a talented, creative artist and I learned so many things by observing her all day. It’s people like her that keep the fire burning inside of me to keep chugging down the road and pursue what I’m really passionate about. Too often we let the world dim our sparkle and we lose sight of why we are running the race. We need more people, people like Jenn, who build people up and empower them to be successful. We CAN achieve goals if we figure out what we want most and work hard to get there. I’ve realized that the people you meet along the way are the most important part of that because they are the ones on the side lines cheering you on and helping you make it to the finish line. Cherish these people in your life and be that person in someone else’s.
Love always,
Nicole Renard #dostuff #bethechange #worldchangers
My pictures from the Tony Bowls Photo Shoot 2012 for your enjoyment;)
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