“You are invited.” Those three words meant so much to me as a little girl when I opened an envelope to discover someone “cool” from school wanted me at their birthday party. Knowing you made the list and are wanted is the best feeling in the world!!

But as I got older, girls got meaner and I was left out, made fun of and certainly not invited. My head became filled with lies that told me no one would ever want to be my friend and I would never make anyone’s “list” again. Let me tell you, believing that you’ll never be wanted makes you feel insignificant and invisible and it wasn’t long before I fell into depression and deep loneliness.

After many years of reconditioning my mind to believe I am worthy of friendship, companionship and love, sometimes I still struggle to believe I am enough and as I cried out to God in my loneliness this morning, I heard a small voice say that I’m not the only one.

I believe there are other people out there who are experiencing what I’m going through, who desperately desire friendship, community and an invitation.


People want to be seen, valued and heard and that’s why I’ve decided to start Starbucks Meet Ups. Once every week I’m going to choose a different Starbucks to go to and I’m inviting YOU. This is an open invitation to anyone who wants to drop by and say hi because you’re wanted in my group. I’m commiting to intentionally set aside a few hours of my day to be with people and hear their stories.


I want to build community, foster real relationships and a create space where people feel accepted, valued, and loved. So come!! Show up and let’s be friends. You are wanted and you are invited. You might even make some other super awesome friends while you’re there!


I’m still looking for a way to easily notify people which Starbucks I’ll be at each week but until then I’ll do my best to post it on Instagram, my story, snapchat, twitter, facebook, the blog (goodness gracious) and all other platforms I have (bless you if you follow me on all of those) But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show up!! Don’t be nervous and don’t hesitate. Bring a friend if it makes you feel better! I’m going to try to make it to as many areas in WA as I can so if you want me to come to a special place LET ME KNOW. Love you all so so much and I hope you know how deeply you mean to me.


Love always,

Nicole xx #DoStuff

Comments +

  1. Victor Renard says:

    How about meeting in a Vancouver area Starbucks Saturday? I will meet you there!! 😉

  2. ann lavine says:

    i wish i could visit washington. I live in southern ca in Monrovia very far away

  3. Art Blum says:

    I’ll have coffee with you when you do Tri Cities 🙂
    Art Blum

  4. Kristina Holtrop says:

    Have you done one in Olympia yet? 😀

    • That is on my list!! Would you come and bring some friends? If so, what days are good for you? I’m also thinking about doing a Mac & Cheese Monday Meet Up at the Oly Club!

      • Kristina Holtrop says:

        I would definitely come! Is Oly Club at McMenamins? Evenings work for pretty much any day of the week for me; afternoons on Tuesdays and Fridays, and most weekends. Keep me posted 🙂

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