Anytime I plan a trip, my favorite thing to do is research for hours online, on pinterest and other travel blogs all the things I think I need to know about my next destination.

When my dad and I booked our trip to Peru to climb to Machu Picchu, surprisingly, I couldn’t find a whole lot of useful information and went into the trip not knowing what to expect.
When traveling, a small element of the unexpected is enchanting but for a serious climb like this, there are a few things you’ll want to be prepared for.
If you are planning a trip to Peru and have NO IDEA what to expect like me, I’m so glad you found Nicole The Nomad. Here are 10 things you should know before hiking to Machu Picchu.

1. Wear sunscreen even if you don’t think you need to
Because you’re so high in elevation, you’re a lot closer to the sun so even though it might not feel hot, you might get burnt.

2. Drink the Coca Tea or take the pills
If you struggle with altitude sickness, drink the coca tea they offer you or find the altitude pills in the Pharmacies. The headaches are no fun and you don’t want to spoil your trip!
3. Pack Toilet paper and hand sanitizer
Most restrooms (especially when you’re hiking) do not have toilet paper. Make sure to bring your own as well as hand sanitizer. Also, don’t throw your paper in the toilet, use the bins.

4. If you get car sick, bring some medication
The roads are pretty rocky and curvy in Peru so if you’re doing a day tour or anything that requires you to ride in a car, have medication on hand if you get car sick.
5. Chapstick
Like sunscreen, chapstick will save your life. Wear it at all times because you don’t want to get blistered lips like me!

6. Wear sunglasses
The sun. It’s hot. We covered it.
7. Bring a rain coat
In Peru it can be sunny one minute and then rainy the next. When you’re hiking you will most likely pass through some cloud forests so bring the proper gear.
8. Pack snacks
If you’re a picky eater or get hungry often, have some of your favorite snacks handy because they don’t have many of the same things we do in the USA. I packed a million and three Square Organics Bars and they kept me alive the whole time. They taste like chocolate bars and energize you in an instant. You can get some using “NICOLE_THENOMAD” for 20% off!

9. Invest in a good pair of sturdy hiking boots
Hiking to Machu Picchu is a ROCKY climb. You’ll want good, sturdy hiking boots to keep your ankles from rolling around. Take my advice and invest in a quality pair because your feet and legs will thank you! Here’s a link to the ones I bought! CLICK HERE.
10. Bring a camera!
This one should be a given, but some people don’t know so bring a camera! Peru is still one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been to and I’m so glad I had a camera to capture the magnificence and bring back the memories.
I hope these tips helped and that you have the greatest time in Peru! It truly is such a wonderful country and whether you’re tracking all the way to Machu Picchu or enjoying the train ride up, you certainly are in for a treat.
I linked most all of the products we took with us if you want to check them out just to give you a reference.
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If you have any more questions, please reach out or comment below. Join the #DoStuff team on the home page to receive more travel guides, tips and recipes every month!
Thank you so much for reading today, see you soon!
xx Nicole #DoStuff
Check out my other Peru Blogs!
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